Wednesday, May 15, 2013

152 More Days!

Not that I'm counting or anything (YES IM COUNTING) 152 days until our due date! Second pregnancy is dragging! We find out in exactly 2 weeks if our little peanut is a boy or a girl! I of course have my fingers twisted and crossed in every way possible for it to be a sweet baby girl! 

This weeks news: 
Cravings: mostly sweets, ice cream, chocolate, any candy....not that this is unusual for me anyway! 
Sleep: now that Brayden is sleeping everyone but Mommy is sleeping, defiantly hitting that wall of uncomfortable nights. 
Movement: lots in this last week, especially when I lay down I feel baby doing some sweet backflips! 
Gender: We will know in two weeks
Belly button in or out: in for now 
Wedding rings on or off: still on and oddly enough very loose!
Emotions: pretty normal other than the random urge to clean everything!! 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in TWO weeks!!! 

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