Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A little story time

Just to get you up to date on our crazy beautiful life this far sit back grab your iced coffee kick your feet up and have a nice trip into the past. This story starts a few years ago when I first met this rowdy cowboy down in Arizona. From the first time we met there was this connection, and well you could say it was the Chris Ledoux by the fire surrounded by people we love that made the moment. I was down visiting one of my best friends in Payson AZ, from Montana. 
Tj and I hit it off from the start and had the excruciating long distance relationship off and on for a few years. Fast forward through all the boring stuff March 1 2012 we had our first bundle of joy Brayden Lyle 6 lbs 7oz born at 3:05pm. He is the light of our life everyday he seems to make everything better!
 February 1st 2013 we learned we were expecting with our second little bean! Beyond excited and on top of the world a short 13 days later Mr. Harris asked me to be his wife. Yep valentines day and by far my favorite holiday! We decided to get hitched before baby number two gets here so it was set June 15th 2013 would forever be our day!
 Now that your back from your time travel please join me in this new adventure of a blog, I love to write and share my story so please stick with me through this crazy Montana life me and my boys live! 

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